The Ottomans are outnumbered in Palestine as the British have set their sights on Jerusalem.
5-23: Aqaba And Gaza
This episode discusses the British attempts to invade Gaza in mid-1917.
5-22: Zionists And Palestine
Lloyd George’s plan to create a Jewish state in Palestine is backed by growing British support for Zionism
5-19: Lloyd George And The Middle East
Frustrated with the government’s poor war effort, the British public chooses a new leader. And he wants to make the defeat of the Ottomans a priority.
5-18: Arabs And Ottomans
Sharif Hussein is ready to launch his Arab Revolt against the Ottomans.
5-17: The British And Mesopotamia
Underestimating Ottoman capabilities, the British attempt to invade Mesopotamia with devastating consequences.
5-15: Sykes And Picot
Mark Sykes and Francois Georges-Picot meet in London to discuss their vision of the future of the Middle East.
5-14: McMahon And Hussein
Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commission to Egypt, begins a deliberately vague series of letters with Sharif Hussein of Mecca.
5-13: France And Syria
The British have a problem as they can’t keep their promises to Sharif Hussein and the French at the same time.
5-12: Al-Faruqi And the Arabs
To deal with the growing importance of the Middle East, the British create a new department called the Arab Bureau.