Ibn Fadlan witnesses a Viking funeral
Bonus: Ibn Fadlan 1
Ibn Fadlan traveled to the land of the Volga Bulgarians as part of an embassy from the Abbasid Caliph.
Bonus: Vikings And Muslims
A few interesting historical interactions between Vikings and Muslims.
7-17: Final Analysis
Closing thoughts on the Bosnian War
7-16: Kosovo And Milosevic
Four years after Bosnia, Milosevic attacks Kosovo
7-15: Bosnia And Dayton
The Bosnian War comes to an end
7-14: Bosnia And Srebrenica
Before we get into the episode, let’s do a brief recap of where we are so far. Former President Jimmy […]
7-13: Bosnia And The U.S.
Dissatisfied with the UN’s progress, the US gets more involved in Bosnia
7-12: Bosnia And NATO
NATO threatens airstrikes but the Serbs have a response
7-11: Bosnia And The U.N.
UN Peacekeepers are doing very little to keep the peace in Bosnia